It is unfortunate that the society shows no mercy to
narcotics, but what if the human body secretes one that is about fifty times
more potent than heroine? Endogenous Morphine, better known as Endorphin, is a peptide
hormone mainly released from the pituitary gland located in the base of the
brain. Endorphin is secreted when we are under severe stress, fear or pain. It
helps us forget the pain and control our emotions by interacting with the
receptors of the cells. In fact, endorphin is so potent that it doesn’t simply
alleviate pain but literally makes us high-- How awesome is that? Particularly famous is a state
known as ‘Runner’s high’ where an exhausted athlete suddenly experiences a
feeling of euphoria due to endorphin release. Endorphin also helps mothers
endure immense pain when giving birth. Scientists say that many near-death
experiences those religious frauds always blab about may also be a product of
endorphin release. No wonder that endorphin is released to its max when you’re
In those
days when our biological ancestors lived in the wild, it was necessary that
they withstand stress and pain following physically demanding tasks like
running and hunting. Therefore a certain group of mutants that somehow happened
to have Endorphin would have been able to survive better, leaving their awesome
genetic trait to humanity. In short, it’s survival of the fittest all over